
Early Pancreatic Cancer Antidote Treatment (EPCAT)

EPCAT it is not a cure for pancreatic and/or stomach cancer.  Pancreatic cancer is notoriously deadly, killing some 95 percent of patients within five years of diagnosis.

EPCAT it is not by any means a cure for cancer, but an agent that acts as an effective catalyst to bring to a standstill pancreatic and/or stomach cancer.  The product EPCAT acts on the carcinogen cells as an agent of disruptive intrusion by putting those cells into a state of latency -much alike a cryogenic state, but at body temperature, thus; inhibiting the malignant neoplasm  from spreading and/or reaching advances stages.

We have established in private clinical trials of small pilot studies that EPCAT exhibits the property to restrain and prevent from further development the processes that induce full development of pancreatic and stomach cancer, therefore, it put a stop to its continuous expansion, and from the practical point of view; it prevents this cancer from developing further.  These trials involved human tissue gathering and the analysis of biomarkers with the probable prospective to detect pancreatic cancer, or predict measurable response to EPCAT therapy.

The product (in form of food) contains vitamin D, B vitamin complexes, and folate as part of a more comprehensive compound.  Our testing data has shown in laboratory trials the capacity to interact and interrupt, or at least; affect metastasis.  EPCAT is apparently more effective during the initial stages of cancer development, therefore; it is merely a preventive compound, and the families with pancreatic cancer history can greatly benefit from EPCAT and its contravention effects.

All of the trial data and development studies on EPCAT are sole property of Rodrigo A. Guajardo, and are confidential.  The extramural costs to further develop this compound (EPCAT) are staggering, so we are working in ways to finance its progress.

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