On Death

In Memory of George Bursenos (Georgie)  (April 10, 1987 - † May 15, 2013)

You will find and know the dark secret of death only if you are willing to uncover it in the very spirit of life.  If anyone knew that, that was Georgie Bursenos. 

He taught me how to drink from the serene river of silence, so I could speak my mind with clear words, clear like the water of that river.  If anyone knew that, that was Georgie Bursenos. 

To know sorrow we must know joy.  You Georgie taught us joy, well, and that is why we feel such a deep sorrow today, not because you have departed; but because we were left behind without you.  You didn't teach me endurance, but you taught me to carry endurance with a bright smile in my face.

Farewell comrade of life.  When I first met you it took me a second to say hello, and I know it will take me an eternity to say goodbye.  Farewell comrade of life.  I am proud and honored to have known you, and I am so lucky to have someone like you Georgie, someone that makes it so hard to say goodbye to. 

It is hard to say goodbye to you Georgie because some people like you, come into our lives unhurriedly, but too quickly departs.  You came briefly into ours, but left deep footprints on our hearts, and because of that, we will never, ever be the same.

Now you are free to go to all those places you dreamed of, now you are free to visit all those ethereal spaces you always wanted to visit, now you are free to pursue all your dreams without the ghastly shackles of life.  No need to send back postcards Georgie, because you will always be in our memories. 

A simple man like me will never be able to properly say a goodbye forever, so I just will say; happy trails to you Georgie.

Rodrigo A. Guajardo
May, 2013

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