FROM: Administration
To: All employees
Date: 04/12/2010

Ladies and Gentleman,

I read only once the deprived answer to our communication from the so called "acclaimed chemical" engineer Stanley M. Barnett at the University of Rhode Island. His response is very forlorn, but sadly amusing as well.

There is no doubt in my mind that what we propose in the arena of colloidal mechanics it is a nonsense for him, and this is because he cannot possibly understand what is he reading, no matter how many times he reads it. For someone who claims to be a "doctor" and to judge a matter he doesn't understand one bit so lightly as a "snake-oil sales pitch", it is not only ignorant, but vainglorious at its best. Furthermore, perhaps my communication was written in "poor and stilted English", as he sanctimoniously declares, but I would like to see him to do better in a fifth language (and I am not including Latin -or perhaps should I correctly say Latium?). It comes to be that the man, according to himself, is also an expert in marketing. I am highly surprised and flabbergasted that he actually works for the University of Rhode Island. I feel truly sorry for the institution.

I have been always suspicious of the existence of those Pleistocene's Idaltu specimens that are supposedly to be extinct by now, but incredibly, many of those not yet fossilized apes have beaten the odds and survived, and they are currently living surreptitiously among us, camouflaging their academically castrated intellects and their obstinate unwillingness to grow to be civilize, by concealing themselves, not just in the subordinated levels of our societies worldwide; but also in many other "high" levels.

Perhaps if Barnett is really a professional as he pledges he is (although the recommendation comes from a source too close), he could learn to see beyond the trivial to get to the truth. A little modesty never hurts. Factual proof of that he doesn't know what is he looking at, is that he is talking about "water treatment" in its ill-bred, uninformed, and uncouth response. We all well know that the Averter™ has nothing to do with water treatment; whatsoever! It says so clearly at the beginning of our "snake-oil sales pitch written in poor and stilted English". Perhaps he should learn that a new product requires a lot more than a well written pamphlet to prove itself. This whole thing reminds me a book-case example of a troglodyte with a dichroscope, which employs it as a hammer.

We know what we know, and we know it well. DuPont, Dow Chemical, PEMEX, BP, a few NAVIES, 3M International, and other people and industries of this stature that know the facts by practical use and not from behind an obscure and discredited desk, do not think this way, and all of them have performed thorough testing of the Averter™. Does Barnett really think he knows more than these people? Who this little man thinks he is? I am tempted to think he obtained his "doctorate" in Wall-Mart. So fanciful, indeed!

I know a lot of "intelligent" people that in spite of achieving bigheaded titles, they are still struggling with the basic social concept of walking erect and are still fraught by the fact that they actually have opposable thumbs. I have no further interest in wasting my little available time with this individual simply because his "perfect English" have already spoken on his behalf.

We just do not need him, or his ignorance-seeker garbage; and he cannot possible bring any positive value to us in this matter. In order to understand, one's needs to know; and his response only reflects intellectual dishonesty and a deep and visible academic impoverishment. The attempts of patronizing someone else in a field he does not understand or comprehend, it is simply flat ignorance; it truly reflects someone’s deeply flawed intellectualism and cultural deceitfulness, the late perhaps a leftover of an obscurantist pseudo-creationism. If you do not understand something, the smart thing to do it is simply to ask. These are the primal and irreconcilable differences between scholars and life forms of nominal acumen.

Nothing is lost. Barnett's gratuitous opinion helped a lot. He has no idea how much. So I think we should thank him. I sincerely apologize for my "poor and stilted English". If I did put too many comas or periods, please accept my deepest apologies and just return them to me. If you still thinking that my "poor and stilted English" it is not acceptable for you, please pick a language of your preference to translate into it.

Ladies and Gentleman, in the future, let's try to make an effort to avoid the nature of this kind of hircismus of moral dysentery.

Truly yours,
The President

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