Fagots of Ptolemaic Truth

These are the serene, honest fruits of my unrestricted dictum without any éclat or glory, but with the unbendable truth of an unbreakable and non-compromising integrity of thought.

The basic consuetudinary business of the Church as a whole, is to study carefully the vast ignorance of the naive and one-dimensional cerebral people, and conform it to its voracious appetite for profit and profligate exploitation.  The Church's very stability, permanence, and sustainability depends for dear life on this deviated practice; therefore, it is of an unavoidable self-preservation necessity to quickly suppress any intellect that can be ahead of its time.  This contemptible behavior obeys to the Church's immensurable fear of losing their frock-built honeycomb, the very key and whole structure for the survival of the churchly dogma.  The Church calls George Gordon a "lame brat"; we call him The Great Poet Byron. 

Nothing seems to be better adapted than this monistic perspective to give us the proper standard and the broad outlook, which we need to crack and solve the vast enigmas that surround us.  It does not only clearly indicates the true place of man in Nature, but it dissipates the ubiquitous illusion of man's supreme magnitude and superlative arrogance with which he sets himself apart from the illimitable universe, and exalts himself with an  incredibly egocentricity to occupy the position of its most valuable element.  This boundless presumption of conceited man has misled him into making himself "the image of god", and claiming "eternal life" for his ephemeral personality, and imagining that he possesses unlimited "freedom of will".

The ludicrous imperial folly of the Roman Emperor Caligula is nothing but a special form of man's arrogant assumption of its most whimsical sick fetishism of all: divinity.  Only when we have abandoned and buried once for all this untenable illusion and taken up the correct cosmological perspective, we could achieve human sanity and then we may possibly hope to reach the solution of the Riddle of Life; but first we need to get rid of the degrading and repulsive presumption that the perverted and humanly distorted priests are special in any way, as they cogently pretend to be among the weaker, simplistic minds that don't realize that churchly priesthood is in fact, nothing more than a residual moral egesta of the obscure and aimless Middle Ages.

Reality versus Creationism

There is a mature book that helps you to morsel-think bit by bit and in a cogent way shrewdness and useful common sense, and promotes active rationality and functional logic.  This book is a work of the Chilean investigator of German origin Oscar Fonck Sieveking, and the name of the book, "Let’s Built Arks: The Enigmas of the Past".

The works developed by Oscar Fonck Sieveking (1901-1997) focused on the study of geological disasters of great magnitude, the mysterious beginnings of human culture, islands and continents that bafflingly disappeared, the salvation of the survivors of great catastrophes and their cultural expressions remnants; among other notable and real subjects.  His first work was titled "Let's build coffers: the Enigmas of the past" (1965), which started as a result of the disasters that plagued the planet migration on a global scale. 

The basis of this work followed the theory of the French naturalist and paleontologist Georges Chrétien Léopold Dagobert Cuvier, whereby our land masses must periodically suffer major and disastrous shifts, which annihilate the majority of the living things and in this way tended to renew and revamp the various existing forms of life.  Part of his work was also influenced by the cosmic catastrophes advocated by the Austrian engineer Hanns Hörbiger, who openly postulated the existence of cyclical cataclysms such  as the sinking of Atlantis (or Poseidonis), being this elusive island the Center from which our contemporary civilization spread to the confines of the Mediterranean and America.

The book is riddle of common sense logic and verifiable facts that can be traced today at any time.  All his observations and notes are of scientific character, and fully demonstrable by modern science.   Why in the world he named his book "Construyamos Arcas" ("Let's built Arks") is an inscrutable mystery on itself.  As down-to-earth, realistic, and levelheaded as Fonck Sieveking was, he called his book after one of the most illusory, numinous, and immature anecdotes ever contrived: "Noah's Ark".

Noah's Ark is perhaps the most irrational and improbable story ever written by a grossly mislead and imaginative, but short mind.  Conceivably - and generously - it carries some sense and value as an unclear historical account of the "Great Flood", but the rest is plainly outlandish.  As with many stories of this kind, there are no logical details of anything, or even a vestige of coherent explanations, so as anything else in religion, it cannot be proven true or false. 

Many and for long have make a mockery of the bible’s Flood story because by any and all accounts, then and now; the task at hand with this imaginative boat was unfeasibly outsized for the resources and the engineering of the time at its best (and for today as well), and the absurd hoteling of wild animals, unlikely.  Faith and fetishism are one thing, rational logic and hard facts are another.  So, as a childish tale the story of Noah's Ark is amusing and inventive as the anecdote of Adam and Eve; and this fable it is not more absurdly ridiculous than the bizarre and incomprehensible yarn of Noah and his dubiously and fictitious "Ark", with its mentally-blocked saga of earth re-population.  Have you heard about "Evolution versus Creationism"?  May be you should...

Creationism and Logic

I did not invent creationism.  I did not.  Creationism is the empty religious belief that the entire humanity, humankind and civilization, life as we know it, the planet we live in, and the entire and inclusive universe; are the sole and inseparable creation of a highly irrational, supernatural, neocuasiplatonic and metaphysical imaginary being, most often believed as to an Abrahamic God.

Unfortunately for religion, as logic and science developed as a natural and unavoidable  evolutionary thought,  in the vicinity of the 18th century and onwards, several logical considerations were come into being as an attempt pointing towards the reconciliation between science and the so called "Abrahamic creation narrative". [ Ronald L. Numbers. "The ‘Ordinary’ View of Creation". Counterbalance Meta-Library. Retrieved 2010-08-11] 

As the controversy and debate over the creation–evolution issue progressed between the creationists who disputed the evidence of common descent of humans and other animals as clearly demonstrated in modern Paleontology, and those who defend the logical and demonstrable conclusions of modern evolutionary biology, geology, cosmology, and other related fields; in 1929 the religious "anti-evolutionists" started to be called "creationists". 

In the United States the term "creationism" was first coined, and it became explicitly and distinctively associated with the christian fundamentalist disbelief in human evolution and their blind and irrational conviction in the absurd witticism of Young Earth.  And of course, as our fickle natures mandate; other groups popped up magically out of thin air to join the pondering, such as the theistic evolutionists who believe in various, assorted, quasi-reconciliatory, and conformist concepts of creation. [Ronald L. Numbers. "Antievolutionists and Creationists". Creationism History. Counterbalance Meta-Library. Retrieved 2007-08-15].  So there!

I didn't invent logic either!  I did not!  Pinky promise! Logic is a phonetic Greek utterance from the word λογική (logikē) which encompasses on one aspect the study of modes of reasoning -both valid and fallacious; and the rational utilization and use of bona fide reasoning.  Employed as reasoning, logic is appropriately apply in most intellectual and rational behavior and human activities, to include the disciplines of Philosophy and Science.  In the first gist –the reasoning of valid and fallacious- is examined for the most part in the branches of learning to include philosophy, mathematics, semantics, and yes!; computer science.   

Logic was deeply studied, scrutinized, probed,  and analyzed in the many early civilizations after sedentarization, such as in India, China, Greece, Egypt, and even in the Zapotec civilization; civilizations on where the study of logic was part of the classical Trivium and   did incorporate grammar and rhetoric.  In our beloved Western civilization, the concept of Logic was recognized as a reliable formal discipline and was established as such by Aristotle, who's invaluable mind product bestowed it a fundamental place in philosophy where got divided into the three segments we know today: inductive reasoning, abductive reasoning, and deductive reasoning.  So there!, and please don't pin on me the responsibility of logic!

So, where did the logic go?  Well, when mankind was emerging from the Obscure Ages his brain was not only empty of logic and truth, but was an easy prey of a generalized mental necrosis, and susceptible to collect trash like any open container collects rain or anything else that falls into it by chance.  Taking unfair advantage of the human ignorance, the Church cleverly orchestrate and plotted one of the most brashing scams ever produced by man's cunning imagination: Catholic Religion.  Then, using this new best-seller, the churchly degenerate and miscreant henchmen dressing in lying cassocks, sold their ointment to the helpless ignorant, to then perpetuate pandemic mediocrity of thinking and ensuring a mechanism for the continuance and persistency of ignorance.

Proof of this is that the catholic church invented Simony.  Simony is a clever conniving swindle to scam money and other values from the unsuspecting ignorant.  Named after Simon Magus (Simon of Gitta), a character of the Acts of the Apostles (Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha), the fifth book of the New Testament who offered the disciples of Jesus, Peter and John, payment so that anyone on whom he would place his hands, would receive the power of the Holy Spirit.

The church since then, has been employing this devious and underhanded Simony to manipulate the purchase and sale of the spiritual, through material goods and money.  This ambulatory and immoral supermarket includes the sale of ecclesiastical offices, sacraments, relics, prayer promises, grace, the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the excommunication, or whatever they can come up with in order to make money out of the dumb.  Today, the priests circulate among their prey the known and all-popular "basket" to collect their tithe; which you are probably more than happy to fill up without thinking or questioning.

The Pope Gregory VII (1020-1085), the former Cluniac monk Hildebrand of Soana, attempted to end this shameful practice, but although did not end completely; it greatly limited the sale of ecclesiastical offices during the so-called investiture.  The mob of priests and nuns then were forced to resort to a different scam dodge to survive and live bounteously without working.  Then, these numerous church's henchman started to "care for the elderly without family". 

Specially the nuns, started to take into their abbeys and parishes anyone that was alone and needed constant care, and of course; this dupes had some earthly possessions.  There are no records or testimonies that this "care" provided by these nuns had any quality or standards of performance; the only standard history has given faith of is that all of those "poor souls" ended up transferring all their material possessions to the clergy by signing a Last Will and Testament in their death bed.     

Commencing in the XIII century in England, the church arbitrarily extended to its own monetary benefit its jurisdiction over last wills and testaments.  Out of the blue!  No one challenged the validity of the newly acquired sphere of booty, or the performance of its executors.  Even Kings were afraid of the church back then, mainly because most of them they were financially broke and could not pay more mercenaries than the church.  Furthermore, whether you were held prisoner in abbeys or parishes or not, any testator that did held property in two or more jurisdictions, was forced to obtain probate from an ecclesiastical court in order to leave his or her honestly earned possessions to anyone else, besides the "loving church".  What a guild!  Now, if you want to turn a blind eye over the performance of your religious sorority; it is your earned right.  However, this is plain ignorance.

I can truthfully and honestly respect, not perhaps accept, but respect any beliefs anyone can have, as absurd, bizarre, incongruous, unreasonable, and as illogical that they might seem to me, as long as those beliefs are personally and privately contained.  What I can't  and won't respect, is a seemingly intelligent Homo Sapiens that voluntarily believes in magic, enchantment, and fairylike sortileges which uses consciously and conveniently  to escape human intellectual responsibility, and to flee reality.

Anti-religious will you call me?  No, sir; you are wrong once again!  I am not anti-religion because I can't care less about what that empty fanfare contains which is what I always considered the intellectual syphilis of the self-perpetrating ignorant humanity.  What I am sir, is an open anti-ignorance and an anti-intellectual mediocrity fierce advocate because I truly believe that if we have a brain -even a small one- but functional and intelligent brain that is; we must use it properly.  So... I won't be seen you in Church.

El Loco

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