Dear Santa

Dear Santa:

Perhaps I should have write this note to you some time ago, but the tangles of my life and the procrastination have gotten the best of me during this past time, but finally today I got to do what I be supposed to do earlier on my life.

This is not the standard letter with a long list of wishes and wants, but rather a personal missive to let you know that I would like this Christmas to be different, at least for me. I don't say this in a selfish way, but in my own eccentric way in an attempt to communicate with you.

It is true that I have never seen you, not once, I haven't catch not even a glance of the tip of the tail of any of your reindeers, but I know you have been there every Christmas delivering to all of us your wonderful and inspiring treasure of love and giving. I know you have eaten the cookies and drank the milk, and my first smile and wide googly eyes on Christmas morning were delivered by you.

Most adults say that you don't exist and they laugh at me when I argue the contrary, but what adults know? If you just take a look to what they have done to our world and planet, you will realize that they have no idea. I know that you exist, and you always come to visit, regardless if I have been good or knotty. Thank you for that.

Well, this letter is about that. I think you have done enough for me already. I know that every Christmas you manage to bring me something and to shield me from reality. I sure know that sometimes it has been really hard to get me presents because the economical situation has been hard. I know this because my parents in some occasions have told me that Santa does not have much money for Christmas this year (or the next), and they have told me sometimes that Santa really wanted to bring me what I requested, but unfortunately he was just able to get me a smaller present.

I wasn't happy on those times, but now that I have grown a bit more, I realize that even in the most grueling times you managed to come up with something, with something from the bottom of your sack, but enough to kept my smile and my big surprised googly eyes going. I thank you for that too, Santa.

I know my Mom and Dad were worried in some instances, and I even heard them talking with whispering voices in the kitchen, about the struggle they were going through to get you to stop at my home. I have to confess that I was scared. I wanted you to visit me, but somehow I knew that my parents had to do something to make this happen, and at times that was very difficult for them; I don't know what they had to do, but they always got you to come to our home. I don't know how they did it, but I'm glad they did.

So, I wanted to thank you for all those Christmas you fought so hard to find the way to bring me presents, smiles, and googly eyes. I know you have done this with other kids too, so I thank you for them as well.

Well, for this Christmas what I really want is for you to skip my home. Is not that I don't want to see you; but I want you to take a break from trying so hard to make everyone happy all the time. I will be happy. I have all I need. I am healthy, I have a wonderful and loving family, and I have received so much from you during all the past Christmas that what I really want this time is to give you something back. I don't know what kind of gift one can give to Santa. See? You make and have all the presents in the world, and there is nothing that I can possibly come up with to make an original present for Santa, the King of Presents, the king of Smiles and Googly Eyes.

So I came up with a short vacation for you. Although you will have to skip only one house, it is at least one more stop you don't have to make. Really, Santa please let me give you this present for Christmas. I have had a lot of time to think about this while I have been growing up, and I am now a big kid that can make good decisions. I know this for sure. Trust me Santa, please. I will still smile and have googly eyes on Christmas morning, just for you.

If you still want to make all your stops, please use mine to stop at the home of a kid who's parents couldn't make it happen for him this year, or perhaps you could stop to visit one of our boy soldiers in some forgotten foxhole, or in some non-recalled trench in the battlefront like Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other cold, dirty, and humid hellhole where our soldiers will spent Christmas so we can be safe here back at home.

Tomorrow I will turn 63, and I think it is about time for me to do something for you. I promise you to have double milk and cookies next year for you and the reindeers. Please take my gift.

Thank you.

Always love you Santa, sincerely,
Yeah! that kid.

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