Saturday, July 23, 2011

My beloved politicians,

I am writing to you because you are a democratically elected Government Official by We, The People; and we elected you because we trust you, because we believe that you will do the right thing for the citizens that elected you as well as for those who did not vote for you, and because we believe that you are the best person for the job. But we also elected you because we think and deeply believe that you do understand our issues, needs, and concerns, and also because you swore to put your best effort forward on behalf of all of us, and to do the best you can do to help to resolve and mitigate the concerns we, the people, have.

I am writing this letter with the fantasized hope that we can get help from you, and because I am an overwhelmingly optimistic dreamer, however, you should know that it is too late for me to be helped, so I am doing this for the rest. I know that you know, and I know that and you are fully aware of the many other citizens that are getting harmed and battered by the mortgage sickness, so I am asking for your attention to this matter, and for your helping hand in our defense. We citizens really need you, and after exhausting every single possibility, we do not have any other place to turn for help but you, and this is because we still believe in public weal. So, please finish reading this letter and then, please do just what your heart and conscience dictates you.

I know this is a very long letter, but because I spent over 2 years dealing with the issue herewith explained until I was duly dishonestly and illegitimately executed by CitiMortgage with total exemption from punishment or loss or escape from fines for them; I beg for a few minutes of your valuable time and consideration, and I will truly appreciate if you read this letter in full. This document might look like a manifest, but it started as a most simple, heart-felt letter to you. I am broke due to an unwanted heart attack that put me out of commission for over a year and a half, and the economy has done the rest making me unable to find a job. Been broke, I did not have the money necessary to buy justice through a high-price ticket lawyer, so this is my effort to reach for the sky on behalf of others.

The banking industry is robbing people not only of their homes, but of their dignity, of their families, of their dreams, and of their futures. The mortgage industry does not care one bit for the people who constantly put abundant profits in their deep, unappeasable pockets. I know this is not new, but the banking greed has now turned into a virulent social mugging. There are millions of people trying to salvage their homes in a futile attempt to negotiate their mortgages with these pointless banks, but at not avail because the banks hide cowardly behind a mob with no names, no direct phones, no emails, no addresses, no faces, no responsibilities, and no concerns. I have tried everything and anything to help my case besides the obvious and standard, and I also consulted my crystal ball, I rubbed frenetically Aladdin's lamp, I went to the local mysterious old lady palm reader, I consulted with my neighborhood's strange and peculiar clairvoyant, I tried serendipity even in the shower, and I even tried to talk to "the hand", but nothing worked. No one takes responsibility for the consumer, not one at all. The banks are neither willing nor interested in negotiating anything with anyone. As matter of fact, foreclosures turned to be an excellent business for these pilfers.

Do you ever wonder why the level of foreclosures is in direct proportion to the bankruptcy filing rate? Those two are the fattest dossiers of our financial woes. Oh, say can you see, what's going on in your backyard? Perhaps because I am just one lone citizen freaking out about losing his home does not accredit your attention, and it certainly cannot compete with the intricate problems you might be handling now during your office tenure, and I am certainly not a matter of national security, but it is not just one citizen's desperate howl... we are millions of them.

What happened to the theory of Due Process? The Due Process it is supposed to be the principle by which the government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person according to the law. Due process holds the government subservient to the law of the land, protecting individual persons from the state and domestic enemies such as banks and mortgage companies. Where on earth this right got lost for the American Citizens?

I will not bore you with the countless stories of repulsive deceitfulness about citizens being assailed by banks and mortgage companies because, I'm sure, you don't have room for more mortgage rubbish. I cannot handle the mortgage bankers anymore simply because I am not a snake handler. Yes, banks are destroying us Americans. It is a simple as you looking around and seeing what banks are doing to your constituency, the constituency that elected you for all the right reasons!

I am appalled by the display of disturbing, disheartening, mendacious, and autocratic behavior of the financial terrorists called banks and mortgage companies. Their acts reveal a total lack of intellectual dishonesty, and the unreserved disregard for the moral and professional integrity that would be expected from these institutions.

In my book, professional functions are supposed to be carried out with responsibility, education, and foremost, with honesty. Education is not luck, and to lead in business, banks have to have an earned capacity to be able to do so. Random actions such as the ones perpetrated by this industry without this primal principle are a detrimental irresponsibility, and their slothful behavior is not only unfair and unacceptable, but it is also offensive and it is a disservice to the American citizens and to our government, including you.

Banks have honored and ratified the principle of "Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit" (it is absurd for a man who should rule others who knows not how to rule himself). It is patent that some individuals who run the banking industry still struggling with the concept of morally walking erect, and they never open their mouth without severely subtracting from the sum of human dignity. I frankly find the bank's attitude criminal and their languorous behavior of barbaric immaturity and an academic deceitfulness; providing of course that any "intellectual" value is involved in their actions and those of their posse.

I am very disappointed by the banks and mortgage companies, however not surprised. I hope there is some kind of accountability somewhere in our country and perhaps in the minds of some of our leaders (such as yourself), because if not, we have nowhere else to turn to for help. These organizations have been for years already in the public eye for evasive accountability, thoughtfulness inertia, insensible stance, despotic financial slavery and discrimination, relentless greed, persistent financial gluttony, and just flat laziness towards its moral and professional responsibilities. Citimortgage is at the bleeding edge of the American financial slavery.

Banks are not obliged to do business with anyone they do not want to do business with, based on whatever reason they might grip upon, but they have a fiduciary responsibility to treat citizens with respect, and at least to abide by the rules of civilized people. We do not appreciate or merit their undeserving, diminishing, and insulting treatment, and perhaps it is a bad idea anyway for us to be associated with such bodies of the nature which banks represent. Now that I have been (apparently) defeated by one of these dishonest institutions such as the dishonest and autocratic CitiMortgage Company, I am making my crusade to create eclectic public awareness about these institutions' actions and abuses, and about the club of henchmen of their lineup. CitiMortgage lies. I have my conversations with this mobster recorded under the same rights they recorded mine. These recordings are an unequivocal proof of their blatant lies.

In case someone could have forgotten this, the US Attorney's Office mission is to enforce vigorously the federal criminal laws of the United States, to represent effectively the interests of the United States in civil litigation, and to meet fully the public safety needs and fairness to the community through an efficient, well-coordinated law enforcement effort, and to contend with the business exocanibalistic attitude and actions perpetrated by dysfunctional inmates of the circuses in the vein of the mentally castrated institutions such as the banks and mortgage companies. I say this brandishing my sparkly clean Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

I truly believe hope that someone within the US Justice Department might have some spare time to look into these abuses. I do not expect you (or anyone really!) to agree with me on this, I am fast-holding to the illusory hope that this letter will make someone to reorganize their mind-set, and help the American Citizens that are being victimized by the banks and mortgage joints.

What saddens me the most is that we fought a horrible, bloody, and iconoclastic war, brother against brother in our own house, and all what we obtained from that sad chapter of mayhem was to change the word "slave" for the word "homeowner". Most recently, we suffered 9-11-01 at the spineless hands of international terrorists, but they were unable to bring us down, and we still stand tall and united, however, the banking system did bring us down to our knees, and we are still licking the ground with their foot firmly sited on the back of our heads. These domestic financial terrorist destroyed our stability with their selfish, irresponsible, and criminal behavior; and they continue doing so. A traitor among us can do more damage than a thousand from outside.

Perhaps I am just a voice in the wilderness, but if so, I can yell here at the top of my lungs. I have only been in this country for a mere 30 years plus, and I still don't understand some really weird things. We jail some criminals, but we bail out others. Hum... it must be that democracy/politics thingy that I still can't comprehend quite yet. It is perhaps because I lived too long in a dictatorship, and some of these concepts are still foreign to me.

As for me, I was forced by a dirty bank to file bankruptcy with absolutely no need for it (did I mentioned CitiMortgage?), I am losing my home and house, my family is getting destroyed emotionally, and after being without a job or an opportunity (courtesy of our vainglorious economy) at my old age, I am walking at a nippy pace to poverty, my future looks pretty bleak now, and my American Dream is now a dreadful and frightful nightmare. However my dear government official, I am a die-hard fighter and I never, never surrender!, and I will stand proud and tall for my family and my country no matter how deep humiliation sinks me, and I will do battle with anything and anyone, and I will fight tirelessly for my family's future against all odds (including the banking industry). So, if you have the wish or time for it, and you can help me out, please do, otherwise; please worry about the others.

One more thing, though. I might have been born somewhere else, but I am "American Made" with a copious reserve of blood as red as anyone born in this wonderful land, and yes, I am a patriotic citizen to the marrow of the bone. Patriotism does not require one to agree with everything that our country does, and by using this letter, I am attempting to promote analytical questioning and devotion to the common good in a quest to make our country the best it possibly can be.

Thank you for reading my long and idiosyncratic letter. At this point, I am just asking you to please help us, and if you can, help to prevent from disaster the next victims lined up at the bank's death row. Please do it. We were there when Uncle Sam needed us, so please Uncle Sam; be here for us now, because we really need you now. I still have faith in our government; please do not prove me wrong.

Post Scriptum: My economical demise was not caused by the banks or the mortgage companies, neither was originated from the bad economy, or by the world recession; my financial demise was solely provoked by my heart attack. However, I did not want the forcefully uncalled-for, un-deserved, and despotic blind repression from this turncoat of CitiMortgage to finish me off.

A underprivileged citizen

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