Quill Feather versus AK-47

The graphic treatise you are about to read is unbalanced and in favor of certain viewpoints, and it is bound solely and exclusively for those pleistocenistic Idaltu beings that are supposedly to be extinct by now. However, many of those not yet fossilized apes have beaten the odds and survived, and they are currently living surreptitiously among us camouflaging their academically castrated intellects and their obstinate unwillingness to civilize by burying themselves, not just in the subordinated levels of our societies worldwide, but also in many other levels. Therefore, if you are a civilized person, you will agree with this crude account, otherwise, you must concede and admit your own legitimacy, and of course, you will not like it a bit!.

A key question that has being a constant vexation to humankind for millenniums is still as valid today as it was in antiquity: What is more powerful, the Quill Feather or the Sword?. Nevertheless, nowadays the question should read; what is more powerful the Pen or the AK-47?. What in fact it is more powerful?. Is it the reason or is it the force?. Well, that will depend on what kind of society you live in. More civil societies tend to use a pen to resolve their disagreement, whereas less civil societies favor the AK-47 in an attempt to bring about conflict resolution, with its historically catastrophic and devastating consequences. The term “pen” represents the employment of means of civility, and the term “AK-47” means the utilization of brute, fiendish force. Both, pen and AK-47 are used here as a straightforward substantive terminology.

Our planet today is too tight, too small, and too linked in real-time to disconnect the conundrum of cultures, idiosyncrasies, ethnicity, technology, education, and the clustered societies that are entangling multiple levels of civility into a caldarium where only a few mingle. It can be said that some of us are living concurrently with each other, and not amalgamated into the surrounding social order.

In order to answer in a meaningful way this provocative question in today’s world, one has to go back deeply into the outer limits of the chaotic, unsystematic, and deterministic behavior of humankind history. Chaotic because humans behave chaotically without asking them to do so, it is a natural and effortless impulsive behavior. It is unsystematic because of human constant, impractical judgmental reactions and men’s sporadic and illogical methodology of intervention. It becomes deterministic as of the result of the uninterrupted succession of inescapable consequences from a preceding chain of actions.

Civility versus Incivility

As the level of civility and education rises in a culture, the weapon of choice become more intellectual, on the other hand, as the more barbaric a society ensues, the weapon of choice become less intellectual. The use of the word barbaric brought into play here it is employed because of the lack of a better and more meaningful expression to allude certain living creatures.

Let us talk about civility to understand the power of the weapons used. The concept of civility can be define in many ways, but invariably points to dutiful, mechanical, or otherwise, perfunctory self-respect and the respect for others. History shows that for those self-conscious civilizations, civility has been a matter of indispensable schooling, a necessary element of utmost importance for progressive societies.

The notion of civility promotes the nurturing and development of higher concepts and virtues. These virtues of intrinsic worth such as self-discipline, reliability, respect, honesty, truthfulness, justice, progress, willpower, ethical principles, discretion, and the acceptance and deference for law and order sets in motion the complex evolution of man into an elevated echelon of existentialism that free us up to pursue the whole, unexploited human potential.

Incivility is not only the complete lack of all of the above, but is measure in the scale for rudeness. The actual word "incivility" originates from the Latin word incivilis that signifies “not of a citizen”. The Roman Empire regarded the notion of citizenship as an extraordinary value and feat of the Republic. Anyone who was not a citizen was a slave, a conquered culture, or simply a barbarian without the necessary cultivation level to become a citizen, or to deserve citizenship. Non-Roman Citizens for example, were unable to enlist and join the Roman Legions. Non-Roman Citizens could join only the Auxiliary Forces, the Praetorian Guard, and the Praetorian Cohorts. The Praetorian Guard of the Roman Emperor Julius Cesar was of German origin (Non-Citizens from the then conquered territory of Magna Germania of the Roman Republic), and they did not speak Latin, the language of the Romans. In any case, being “civilized” was a big deal for the S.P.Q.R., (Senatus Populusque Romanus, "The Senate and the People of Rome"), and it remains that way for most of us today as well.

In our convoluted societies worldwide exists an amazing mixture of citizens and “not-so-citizens”, or barbarians for that effect, who live among us disgracing the civilized citizen’s citizenship, and are a heavy, aggravating, and unwanted burden to our civil society. Unfortunately, in many cases it seems that there is not much that civility can do with respect to some oafish barbarians living among the rest of us, and towards the pitiful conditions to which the state of their civility it is been reduced to. Indeed those few, very noticeable individuals put extra pressure on civilization, on our culture, and on the rest of the cultured citizens.

To my personal benefit and fortune, I have been living in this auspicious and providential country for almost 30 years now. During my extended travels and years living and working in many countries, I have never seen the level of the personal societal collapse of some populace in the countries I have lived in, visited, or worked at, as I have unmistakable seen it in some individuals in here. I have sure seen more hillbillies piled up in Washington D.C. that in the rest of the country altogether!. It is evident that we have perhaps; too many undesirable and objectionable rudimentary inhabitants that have leave pejoratively inferior civility conditions somewhere else in the planet, not to seek progress and social enlightening in our Country and society, but to perpetuate their embedded life-style of mediocrity within mediocrity. In addition, we have some of our own of those “so-called citizens” living among us. This situation repeats itself in many other more civilized countries as well. The fact that you might be living in a less “civilized” country does not make you at all uncivil. The terminal problem it is not you (or me), but the whole make-up of the society you live in. Humans are capable to attain real and consequential progress and evolution as a group, not individually. Individuals can develop and evolve themselves into a high degree of civility, independently from the confines of the society they live in, but the society cannot become civil as a whole on the account of few.

You can think of this situation as a parallel to what defines societies based on their skills as a whole. An Agrarian society bases its economy on large-scale agricultural production; therefore, identified as an agricultural society. This does not mean that everyone in that society is a farmer. It means that a large portion or the majority of the society dedicates its efforts as a whole to the cultivation of plants, or farming.

A technological society is one that takes technical change, or technology to be the model for progress and development for their trade and industry. A technological society bases its economy in the development, or the acquisition and use of particular technologies of contemporary intensity, salience, and utility. Not everyone in this society is a technological connoisseur.

These distinct societies may or may not have a sound and homogeneous level of civility, or have been able to achieve certain unassailable level of it yet. All will depend of the cumulative number of individuals within each of these societies who have independently achieved an unquestionable level of civility, capable to convey it to the society as a whole, and to transfer to this society the designation of “Magnus Civilius Congregationis”- Latin for Great Civil Society.

Early in life, many of us have learned about the radical importance of a Code of Conduct, namely civility. Civility makes our country to stand above the rest. A few isolated incidents of incivility within our society are not in themselves a concern of great consequence, but a systematic pattern of incivility acts is disruptive and unacceptable, and may result in decadence. Civility is not a weapon to use against other citizens, but it is a sensible concept we, all accountable citizens, need to embrace more seriously. Civic virtue is cultural sophistication.

Around the world, there are the so-called “civilized” and “uncivilized” countries, and the way they deal with their internal struggle is determine by their level of civility, therefore determining the weapons of use to remedy their discords. Their acts put in manifest evidence from time to time that, when humans are not a millimeter above the simian, they are an inch below the pig.

These Homer Jay Simpson-type mentally equipped individuals are comfortable breaking even the most basic rules of civility because it is intrinsic to their basic nature to have total disregard for law and order. They have no respect for others and they take advantage of civil citizens, and they thrive doing this because of their unsighted lack of principles. They can be easily distinguished in a daily basis for example, by their habit to throw garbage on the streets while driving. Did you know that there is a 25 – 30% of trash dumped in our streets (besides the slum-driven brutes themselves), courtesy of them?.

At the end of the day, we should feel deeply sorry and ashamed for those forlorn, pathetic individuals in the planet that cannot comprehend and embrace civility, unfortunately because within the realm of their infinite ignorance, they refuse to do so. Is a matter of great disappointment to know that there are many individuals in the planet that are still engage with the primal struggle of the fundamental concept of walking erect. Moreover, some of these non-Homo Sapiens, these bipedal hominidae yet continue trying to understand and cope with the fact that they posses now opposable thumbs, and probably the first pollicals of this nature they ever had, thus articulating this with all due respect and reverence to the Animalia Kingdom.

In our globus terrae, we have many countries in which scores of inhabitants have not left the Phithecantopoid ranks hitherto, and of their own free will remain uncivil to the demise of the civilized citizens living among them in abysmal minority.

Where in the world are those fecal detritivores today?. Nobody gets Kudos here, just Pens or AK-47s.

Let us take a brief look over Iraq. It is unnecessary to say much about this well-known and unpopular setback (Iraq). From its origins as a country more than 7,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, the Kurds have been a focus of unresolved conflict for the mentally neutered Iraqis. As far as we know, the Iraqis have not been capable of resolving any conflict by diplomatic means. Then it was the prince with no glory of civilization darkness, Saddam Hussein, the highest priest of the archetype of viciousness. His quick response to alternative means of conflict resolution was always brutality, assassination, and the imposition of tyranny by unprecedented cruelty. The undercover elite of innocent and civilized Iraqis have been paying dearly the towering, unfair, and despotic price of living prisoners of this barbaric and intellectually blind and fanatic society rule by him. This animal put Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known as “Caligula” to shame. The real problem with these contemporary salvages of brutish behavior is that they embrace a loutish culture, using 21st Century technology. Please notice that the word brutish was used and not the word British, although if you scratch the skin of some of these hooligans, you will find the barbarian just underneath it.

Some civil Iraqis had fled their country (the lucky ones who could) in search of freedom and civility somewhere else. Some have come to the US, and we are lucky and glad to have them here. Civil people are not only welcomed, but are necessary for the enlightenment of humanity.

The boisterous non-civil Iraqis cannot figure out the divergence, and do not have an understanding of the difference between the “superfluous” items of necessity to built basic civility. Put it in another way, they have no clue between the differences of these:

Discussion and shoot out
Cultural explosion and bombing
Eloquence and torture
Silence and assassination
Conflict resolution and decapitation
Choices and “or else”
Citizen and terrorist
Building blocks and Scud missiles
Visiting and invading
Artisan and artillery
Nuns and guns
Massive construction and mass destruction
Obligation and obliteration
An election and annihilation
Buddy and bloody
Peace and feces
NATO and napalm
Disabled government and dismemberment
Disagreement and genocide
Turban and used diaper
Human rights and human wrongs
Acceptance and rape

The weapons of choice to reason with the ill-mannered Iraqis: Maybe a small worn-out #2-pencil thanks you to the US intervention and to the civil marginal minority, and an exceedingly large bunch of AK-47s fully loaded, plus a deserved Golden Pen for the civilized Iraqis.

Now let us review the bidet of political and social chaos in Venezuela in a nonchalantly manner. Chávez has become the synonym and epitome of the intellectual and political latrine he holds sway. He is perhaps the biggest mental midget of our times and the greatest political travesty in the history of Venezuela. We shall not spend much time discussing this Bandar-log because our mothers told us that if we do not have anything good to tell about someone, we should not say anything. However, our moms cannot hear us right now.

Civilized Venezuelan opponents see Chávez as a freaking authoritarian or a damn totalitarian that will get his way by any means. They also categorize him as a dirty communist, who will sell anyone and get in bed with any other political clowns such as Castro and Morales without a morality condom, individuals alike that assumed power long time ago, but have not assumed responsibility yet. Chavez’s militaristic misconception unfortunately serves him well against the civilized citizens of his beautiful country. Alas, Chavez’s demagogical abilities, backed by his rhetorical and deceptive propaganda of disingenuous goals, has disastrously botched to deliver on his countless empty promises, and he has repeatedly and customarily violated elementary human rights. He has also stuck his big nose in international affairs by meddling in the dealings of other Latin American countries. Unfortunately, it will take a higher authority besides King Juan Carlos I of Spain to make him to shut up. Never before in the history of Venezuela has a leader threatened the economy and democracy of the country to that level, he has illegitimately and criminally eliminated his opponents, and further more, his pathetic, flawed, and egotistic policy has destabilized global oil prices to serve his self-centered and narcissistic way of life. Some here swear he is gay. All and every piece of the information gathered in here comes from the mouths of real Venezuelan citizens in the US.

The weapons of choice to reason with the ill-mannered Chávez: One AK-47 with a single bullet. The civilized Venezuelan citizens do not need any extra pens. They have plenty of them and they know how to use them well.

The latest buffoon: The Somali Pirates

Perhaps this unambiguous group of Somalis misunderstood the whole thing. It is “The Village People”, and not “The Pillage People”. “The pirates of the Caribbean” it is a romantic Hollywood movie and it has nothing to do with this ruffian Somali pirates. The Somali pirates are real brigands; they are the contemporary low-class pirates of the Indian Ocean. Here we go again. How low can a society get?. The sky is the limit…

Somalia is a country that needs serious help at all levels. Once again, the victims are the civil citizens that earn they lives honestly and working hard, in spite of the difficulties, lack of opportunities, and physical exertion that this impoverish, anarchic country offers to its relentless citizens. Everyone understands and agrees that poverty sucks, but the Somali pirates’ approach to success sucks even worst. It must be clear that this is not a fault or legacy of the Italians of British colonizers.

The Somali pirates are snatching at least 2 unsuspecting commercial vessels a week, and more than 100 this year according to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB), in the Indian Ocean, and furthermore, these ex-anglers, scruffy mercenaries are negotiating the vessels’ release for ransom. Unlike these pitiful cowards bursting pusillanimity, the 16th century pirates of the Caribbean preyed on treasure ships equipped with armament, a fierce crew, and heavy artillery to defend themselves. Today, these contemptible and pathetic Somali pirates prey on innocent, defenseless, and unarmed boatmen, mainly because these thugs are not man enough to do better.

I feel sorry for the Somali Government and the civil people that have to put up with this crap and unable to counter it, but I feel even sorrier for this human trash that will short live, because you can interrupt and obstruct civility and progress for a short delay, but you can not stop it. Moreover, the civilized world will not come to amicable terms with buccaneers, felons, criminals, outlaws, crooks, or freaking immoral villains such as the Somali pirates.

The weapons of choice to reason with the Somali pirates: Just AK-47’s. Our hearts go to the worn-out pens of the civilized, heroic Somali society.

Is that enough about incivility?. Let us talk a bit about the accomplishments and benefits of civility to end this write-up in a more positive note. It would be nice if it were a safe way to rescue all the civilized human beings from those places of repression, so they can enjoy the goods of civility in a right, deserved environment.

Civility, its fruits, and benefits

In agreement with most people, civilized or not, the ascetic difference in the civility of the human race, from the lowest to the uppermost level of civility, is due mostly to education. A substantiation of this assertion is that the level of civilization attained in Europe and in America in general, is a manifest product of organized education, whereas in general, the advantages and availability of a superior education are in severe deprivation for the habitants of other less fortunate countries.

A good base of structured education rescues the ignorant from incivility darkness making them shrewd and judicious, it can turn tyrants into righteous, almost impartial leaders, and civility liberates the human being to pursue freely the highest level of wisdom. Civility through education champions for more balanced happiness, consolidates and braces your intelligence, gives a serious boost to will power, and it is capable to create something from nothing. Many individuals in this planet attain a sagacious level of civility via structured education; however, many other fumble in the flippancy of desolation and misery. Nonetheless, it is always possible for any citizen to acquire certain level of civility, almost regardless of their environment and the intrinsic natal capacities of themselves; if the citizen in question desires to seek civility, that is. In other words, any one who has an AK-47 can always change it for a pen.

Civility is more than courteous, well-mannered behavior. “Being civil means being constantly aware of others and weaving restraint, respect, and consideration into the very fabric of this awareness”, according to P. M. Forni, the co-founder of the John Hopkins Civility Project.

Civility brings bonanza, development, enlightening, fairness, growth, happiness, health, hope, innovation, knowledge, longevity, love, organization, peace, progress, science, security, sensibility, sharing, technology, industry, morality, honesty, law, order, and the list goes on and on… it is like an endless Christmas!. If you are not civil, you are too busy killing people to have time to think about these constructive concepts. Who would think that such a small word (civility) could hold so much?. Moreover, why anyone would change productive civility for anything else?. You guessed; 21st century barbarians (or Somali pirates).

Therefore, courageous civilized citizens of the world, hang in there with your pens high!. Strive to be civil; civility benefits all and every one of us. On this, we need to be and act as a TEAM (Together Each one Accomplishes More). Sooner that we expect we will be in celestial navigation towards worlds that are hanging around in the infinites of the universe waiting for us to conquer them. Then we will worry about the pirates of ignominy that are yet to come from Deep Space Nine!.

Animus Civilitates!. Habeo in animo, abalieno civilis!. (Viva civility!. I am resolved to be civil).

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