Weight Inhibition Composite (WIC Compound)

A few years ago I lost a very dear friend to and unorthodox enemy: weight. The idea to lose someone to weight was not a conforming sentiment in my existence. When my friend died, I immediately felt that something was very ludicrous and unreasonable in the way this was presenting itself, something even insulting and perhaps ignominious about dying in such nonsensical manner. Perhaps because I went into deep denial at the time, this unexpected demise did not seem logical or acceptable to me; I felt that it was just plain unfair.

Everyone who attended the funeral was visibly sad and shocked because my friend was very young, but even more than that, because he was a phenomenal loving person and now he was gone forever. I really felt my friend loss, but I was not sad, I was intensely distressed and infuriated, and I couldn’t dissimulate it very well.

I returned home that afternoon absorbed in my thoughts, confused and annoyed by this incongruous episode that shook the very roots of my existence. How can you explain and accept a loss of that magnitude to such ridiculous death? Perhaps was not that ridiculous after all… I never before looked overweight people any differently that I looked anyone else. They were just “fat” people. Just like me, only fat. There is a popular Chilean aphorism that goes: “There is no bald guy that is not deceitful or fat guy that is not winsome”. Of course this aphorism is of very confined naissance, based on a very specific local event, and it is not fair at all to any bald folks. However, it is of very common use in Chile, and it is always used to enhance the fat guy’s benignity, with extremely few exceptions.

Shortly after I learned that my friend died from complication sequels of morbid obesity. I did not know what morbid obesity was then, so I set out in a quest to gain knowledge about it, perhaps obeying to a borderline necessity to conform myself with my friend’s death.

“El guatón” –another folkloric Chilean aphorism– as we all affectionately called him was an extraordinary subject. A group of us grew up together and we were inseparable comrades of adventures, troublemaker buddies, candid friends, and “el guatón” was one more insurrectionist in our tight wolf pack. He took blame for crap we did as many times we took crap for things he did. He was always ready to defend his pack, and the first to run away to hide when we deliver pranks, because he needed more time than us to escape, and he always stood up for his friends like no one else, no matter what. He was the squire or the sidekick, whichever came first when it was his turn. Seen him to go the way he did, it wounded all of us. All these treasured recollections and many more contributed to cement the eminent and uplifting memories we have of him, and the sincere love we all profess for our beloved “guatón”.

His death and the way he died lingered in my mind for several years unsettled. After my fact findings about obesity, I understood morbid obesity better and since then, I always wanted to unearth a remedy to prevent others from ending like our friend. Many, many years later I found an answer to foster a solution. It will not make any difference to my friend now, but it is a heartily earned tribute on behalf of all of us, your infancy friends, to you “guatón”.

The problem

There are many ways to approach the task of losing weight, and there are also many ambiguous practices to abide by in pursue of the goal of getting skinnier, however, there are only two effective and pragmatic ways to lose unwanted, unhealthy weight. One is the imperative need for you to cut down drastically your energy intake in a constant and steady manner, or you must increase to a great extent your energy burning up habits (AKA: exercise!) also in a constant and steady manner. Unfortunately for an obese person, these solutions are utopic and completely unrealistic due to the fact that obesity is a serious clinical sickness that overwhelms the will power of its victims.

If you are not already exercising or embracing ruthlessly one of these two options, chances are that you will never do! Do not feel bad about this, most obese people are unable to do so, as matter of fact, most people are unable to execute a change in their life habits in such drastic manner. However, if you for whatever reason can not accommodate to your lifestyle one of these extreme and abrupt behaviors, then the solution I have engineered might help you to implement a smooth transition to one, or both of those alternative lifestyles.

I developed a natural appetite curbing biomass compound that helps to achieve results, and ameliorate appetite control within healthy, safe, and sound levels. This new concept on natural weight loss does work as results have demonstrated to me in controlled practical tests with obese subjects who volunteer for these tests. The results were often dramatic and this natural vegetation filament-based compound is much safer than most pharmaceutical weight loss drugs today available by prescription, o in the market over the counter.

The product

I call my product Weight Inhibition Composite (WIC for short). I thought naming the product “Guatón”, but I quickly discarded this bright idea because it could lend itself to be misinterpreted by some, and it might be judged insulting for others. If there is something I will never want to do, not even by mistake, is to offend anyone who is being pitilessly victimized by obesity.

WIC is a weight loss problem-solving solution that was engineered to become a natural process of, and work in synchronization with the body, and because of its constitutive composition it works naturally, without the need for drugs and/or any detrimental chemicals, and its controlled consumption conducts to a steady progression of weight loss in a healthy and safe manner, with no negative health side effects, without creating dependency, or habit conditioning.

I can’t tell exactly how WIC is marshaled and composed until I have a final formulation, and a proper patent to protect it from the amazing quantity of mendacious intellectual predators that are omnipresent everywhere, and always around sniffing for what to steal. Nevertheless, I can tell you without the compelling need to slaughter anyone that WIC contains no added caffeine, pyruvate, ephedra, ephedrine alkaloids, synephrine, hormones, guarana, ginseng, any invigorating or sneaky amino acids, or any perky stimulants of any kind. WIC comes in different modes for its use: as pills, as food additive, as drink additive, as power snacks, as paste (spread), in pellet form, as powder, and as candy with a dash of Agave honey.

As of today and while still under development, WIC in fact offers many health benefits which other drugs and weight loss products lack profusely, and delivers a faster and more effective weight loss bottom line than any product in the market. I can tell a bit more without risking anyone’s security: the pill is also made out of an assortment of natural fibers, plant extracts, and an strict selection of bio-composite from elite members of multifarious plants’ genuses, vitamins and a restricted number of other crops of nutritional organic compounds.

How does it work?

When you ingest the WIC in any manifestation of the aforementioned morphs, after a few minutes the product will produce on you the sensation of being with a stuffed stomach. You will feel like you just had a fest and you can’t gobble one more bite. You will feel like you are filled with food up to your throat and you will keep feeling this way for several hours (I am still working on the dosage, though). The microfibers and the other secret components from my magic cauldron will start to absorb large quantities of humidity (water) from within your body, and because of its reverse body hydration, the fibers will start to timely distend and to gain volume in the process.

This singularity will bring about a very slow-paced digestion of the multi-fiber amalgamation that will last for several hours. This slow digestion obeys to the difficulty of the stomach in processing the fibers because of their sturdiness. No detail studies have been made yet to determine if any acidic effects in the stomach may occur, but I am working on it. Another effect this compound will bring about is that the “patient” will quickly lose his/her desire to eat, mainly because the stomach is filled with die hard fiber.

This composite can start rendering visible and measurable results in a short term, but I think that a long term program will be safer and with no attached negative, unexpected side-effects. Loosing too much weight too fast can be detrimental to any individual’s health integrity.

There are positive side-effects, though! You will have to drink A LOT of water because WIC will make you severely thirsty, and the elevated microfiber content will make your bowel functions very regular, adding humidity and softness to the stool. So stack up on toilet paper!

What is next?

I promise to continue relentlessly in the pursue of my work, and to champion for the legions of frustrated overweight people engaged in a never-ending search for a fast weight loss gimmick, for the miraculous weight defeating enchantment, or any type of invention that works for them and their health, and hopefully I can soon deliver a virtuous solution, safe and dignifying.

This one is for you “guatón”.

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